Lula será laureado este ano pelo International Four Freedoms Award por sua luta contra a miséria. Esta premiação não é pouca coisa pois é instituida pela THE FRANKLIN D.ROOSEVELT FEEDOMS AWARDS, uma das mais tradicionais instituições americanas.
International Four Freedoms Award
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Union representative and President of Brazil from 2003-2010, is honored for his extraordinary work on behalf of the people of Brazil. Lula has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to social and economic justice and worked to help foster a climate of peace and reconciliation among the nations of the world.
Lula’s rise from abject poverty to the Presidency of Brazil, and his determination to rid Brazil of the extreme poverty and social injustice that for too long has plagued the less fortunate of his countrymen, has been an inspiration to the world community.
International Four Freedoms Award
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Union representative and President of Brazil from 2003-2010, is honored for his extraordinary work on behalf of the people of Brazil. Lula has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to social and economic justice and worked to help foster a climate of peace and reconciliation among the nations of the world.
Lula’s rise from abject poverty to the Presidency of Brazil, and his determination to rid Brazil of the extreme poverty and social injustice that for too long has plagued the less fortunate of his countrymen, has been an inspiration to the world community.
é isso aí. o despertar dos desvalidos! LULA inaugurou essa era! a elite brasileira não terá mais como governar ignorando as massas (ignaras), por serem, segundo elas (elites), pessoas animalescas e doentes, por isso, "dispensáveis".
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